Outputs / Tools

Mapping of existing participatory practices and models of

re-purposing educational buildings and spaces

The ‘Mapping of existing participatory practices and models for repurposing educational buildings and spaces’ belongs to the foundation phase of the project and it will be undertaken in the beginning of the project. Despite the knowledge and skills, which the consortium already has in the context of the project’s subjects, it is considered very important to update and access accurate information within the scope of the project as it is the initial cornerstone giving the further directions and mainly contextualizing the next intellectual outputs.In this context, holistic research and analysis tools are essential for understanding the context and character of the learning environments. Therefore, this stage will include two essential pillars:

1) Analysis of existing information on SCL environments

2) Assessment of actual stakeholders’ needs







IO2 Model for re-purposing of educational buildings and spaces for HE institutions

The second intellectual output aims at designing, testing and enhancing a model for the repurposing of educational buildings and spaces for HE institutions. The project team will come up with the concept and carry out two piloting schemes within the scope of this intellectual output. The repurposing of buildings and spaces will be developed with the concepts of student-centred learning (small and non-hierarchical groups, bi-directional, intra and extra-mural learning) and learning ergonomics (focusing on the well-being of users) in mind). This model will be designed in collaboration with educators and employees at the involved universities in order to produce the most realistic result.





IO3 Manual for the implementation of the model for re-purposing of educational buildings and spaces


The manual will be produced based on the model for repurposing of educational buildings and spaces for HE institutions and non-formal education organisations (IO1) and in accordance with the mapping of existing participatory practices and models of repurposing educational buildings and spaces (IO2). The aim of the manual is to challenge traditional pedagogical models and provide new methodologies for a more inclusive, creative, and student-centered learning process. In particular, the manual will provide the guidelines on how this can be adapted to different cultural environments and contexts.







IO4 Policy recommendation for the public authorities to support participatory processes in re-purposing of public buildings and civic spaces


Policy recommendations will be built on the results and lessons producing O1, O2 and O3. These findings will be transferred to the framework of public policy making and public governance in the field of spatial planning and repurposing of public spaces and buildings. This will provide university leaderships, local authorities (municipality and city/towns leaderships) and policy makers with concrete proposals on how to develop a framework for planning and implementation of inclusive and participatory processes which support meaningful role of various stakeholders in procedures that lead up to repurposing of buildings and spaces. This will strengthen the role and impact of stakeholders on procedures that lead up to repurposing.